Mr Luvva’s Luv-in #11

I have been mental busy this week, finalising my paperwork for the school year and catching up on marking I should have done ages ago! I’m going to be pushed into catching up with the posts that I missed already this week, pressure is on but I’ll succeed, I just gotta believe (to quote Parappa the Rappa).

here’s my latest Luv-In that should’ve went live on Sunday. Sorry for the huge delay…

…Better late than never I guess

The Majestic Music of Daytona USA From over at Games I made my Girlfriend Play. This is a subtly powerful post about the music from Daytona, I say subtly powerful because after reading it I couldn’t get the music out of my head and I had a massive desire to play the game!

LittleSisGaming Live on Twitch! – At last, another streamer to share the woes of Video games streaming with! Although I missed the stream, it’s always great to see new, exciting and driven streamers on the scene!

LMG’s Internet Buffet – “No Strings Attached” – Another post that was just lovely to read, LMG got given an award by a fellow blogger and for me it is well deserved! congrats LMG!

To Whom It May Concern @Ubisoft – I lvoe the idea behind this post, it is a critique of the state of gaming in an open letter format. I especially liked this post because it echoes my own feeling towards the Assassins Creed franchise as well as being well written!

Don’t Believe Your Own Hype – Belghast (who is becoming a weekly fixture in these posts) has done it again! In this post he is analysing the connection between remaining humble in success while drumming up interest in your work through self-promotion. Great work, again!

Murf was where? On Gameranx, writing about Rocket League (PS4) – Murf has been playing a game on BETA that made me jealous, the sequel to ‘Super Powered Rocket Battle Cars’! A game I had some fun with on PS3, he seemed to have a good time with it, and the video took the sting out of my jealousy for a while. GG Murf! What a goal btw – A Diego Forlan moment!

Ten Reasons To Play Trove – Two things I love more than most things are new games and list articles…Ironweakness from Waiting For Rez has combined these two into one post, my kryptonite. It’s a good thing it’s a bloody good read!

4 thoughts on “Mr Luvva’s Luv-in #11

  1. Thanks again for the shoutout! And the feeling is mutual – I still haven’t caught a stream of yours, but I’m enjoying your highlights on YouTube 🙂


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