The Best Runs From SGDQ 2016!

Well Summer Games Done Quick ended late on Sunday afternoon and it was one hell of an event this year!


If you are not aware of what SGDQ is – its a week long marathon of speedrunners absolutely destroying your favourite games all in the name of charity! This year they supported Doctors Without Borders and they raised a grand total of $1.3 million.

As I said above, the event is a week long one and it is non-stop. While that is awesome for those nights you cannot sleep; it means that it is impossible to watch every minute of it. That is where we come in; here is my choice for the best runs of the week.

In the list that follows we have some runs that highlight the extreme skill of these guys, some that show exploits and some that show sheer personality of the runner and their team! I hope you enjoy these runs as much as I did…

… but I’m going to leave the floor open at the end, if I have missed your favourite run from the week then please link us to it in the comments. Continue reading